Merrindale Business Park
96-106 Merrindale Drive, Croydon South 3136
- 131 x Electricity Meters
Mixed use Business Park with a cafe, warehousing, offices and manufacturing facilities.
Merrindale Business Park
Merrindale Business Park covers a broad acreage and electricity meters are located throughout the entire site. A solely cabled data communication system was not feasible so we implemented a combination of data cabling and LoRa wireless technology to connect all onsite meters for remote automatic meter reading services.
The site consists of different types of electricity meters, numerous data collection devices (using both cable and wireless technologies) and multiple 4G modems. The network has been established for many years now and continues to deliver a reliable meter reading service to the networks ENO for invoicing purposes.
The network's ENO query our data collection server directly delivering a seamless flow of data from the meter through to invoice and onto the customer. This allows the ENO to provide monthly invoicing to the customers on time every time.

East Brunswick Village
127-149 Nicholson St, Brunswick East VIC 3057
- 237 x Electricity Meters
Sustainable apartment complex comprising of 3 towers housing apartments, retail and supermarket.
East Brunswick Village
Working with a prestige developer on this huge 3.1 hectare site, we designed, installed and commissioned a complete electrical embedded network. An extensive data collection system was implemented which connected hundreds of meters whilst maintaining a reliable and efficient data retrieval system.
All 237 electricity meters were installed in stages throughout the construction at the request of the builder. Having large quantities of stock in our warehouse we delivered turn around times not achievable by other metering providers.
High gain antennas were installed to overcome some local cellular concerns and the client was very satisfied with our delivery from start to end.

The Orchards Community
107-111 Andersons Creek Rd, Doncaster East VIC 3109
- 1 x Gas Meter
- 37 x Hot Water Meters
Retirement apartment complex from not-for-profit organisation Baptcare.
The Orchards Community
The site has a centralised rooftop gas hot water plant delivering hot water to all residents.
We supplied all the hot water and gas metering equipment which was installed by the projects plumbing team.
We then supplied, installed and commissioned an automatic meter reading solution to ensure each resident and relevant communal appliances can be invoiced based on their actual usage. This involved installation of 38 pulse counters, and extensive data cabling back bone and a data collection device.
The data is collected from the site every day and made available to Baptcare for monthly invoicing to the residents.